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Oracle Reports Components Overview

A.2 Oracle Reports Components Overview

This section provides a brief description of the Oracle Reports components and the keywords that each component can use.

A.2.1 rwclient

rwclient (Reports Client) parses and transfers a command line to the specified Reports Server.
All file names and paths specified in the client command line refer to files and directories on the server machine, except for any file specified for the following command line keywords:
  • CMDFILE=filename. In this case, the CMDFILE specified is read and appended to the original command line (of which CMDFILE is a part) before being sent to the Reports Server. The runtime engine does not reread the command file
  • DESNAME=filename DESTYPE=LOCALFILE. In this case, DESNAME refers to files on the client machine.
Refer to Table A-1 for the keywords that can be used with rwclient.
Example 1: Running a paper report to cache
rwclient server=myrepserv report=test.rdf userid=scott/tiger@mydb desformat=pdf DESTYPE=cache
Example 2:  Sending report output to a file
rwclient server=myrepserv report=test.rdf userid=scott/tiger@mydb desformat=pdf DESTYPE=file DESNAME=c:\mydir\test
Example 3:  Sending report output to a printer
rwclient server=myrepserv report=test.rdf userid=scott/tiger@mydb DESTYPE=printer DESNAME=myprinter
Example 4: Sending report output through e-mail
rwclient server=myrepserv report=test.rdf userid=scott/tiger@mydb desformat=pdf DESTYPE=mailDESNAME="," cc="" bcc="" replyto="" from=""
Example 5:  Sending report output to WebDAV (any WebDAV server or Oracle Portal WebDAV)
rwclient server=myrepserv report=test.rdf userid=scott/tiger@mydb desformat=htmlcss DESTYPE=webdavDESNAME=""
Example 6:  Sending report output to Oracle Portal
rwclient server=myrepserv report=test.rdf userid=scott/tiger@mydb DESTYPE=oracleportal desformat=PDF PAGEGROUP=mypagegrpOUTPUTPAGE=reports_output ITEMTITLE=pushtoportal STATUSPAGE=result
Example 7:  Sending XML PDS report output to a file
rwclient server=myrepserv report=myxmlpdstest.rdf DESTYPE=file desformat=PDF desname=c:\mydir\my.pdf
Example 8:  Sending JDBC PDS report output to a file
rwclient server=myrepserv report=myjdbcpdstest.rdf DESTYPE=file desformat=PDF desname=c:\mydir\myxml.pdfp_jdbcpds=sybuser/
Example 9:  Distributing a report output to multiple destinations:
rwclient server=myrepserv report=test.rdf userid=scott/tiger@mydb DISTRIBUTE=yes DESTINATION=c:\mydistribute.xml
Example 10:  Running scheduled reports
rwclient server=myrepserver report=test.rdf SCHEDULE="every first fri of month from 15:53 Mar 25, 2009 retry 3 after 1 hour"destype=file desformat=pdf desname=test.pdf
Example 11:  Using a secured Reports Server
rwclient server=myrepserv report=test.rdf userid=scott/tiger@mydb desformat=pdf destype=file desname=test.pdf AUTHID=myadmin/myadmin
Example 12:  Running a report with e-mail notification
rwclient server=myrepserver report=test.rdf userid=scott/tiger@mydb destype=file desformat=pdf desname=test.pdf NOTIFYSUCCESS=""NOTIFYFAILURE=""
Example 13:  Running a report that specifies a URL to be fetched with the URL engine
rwclient server=myrepserver report=test.rdf userid=scott/tiger@mydb destype=file desformat=pdf desname=test.pdf JOBTYPE=rwurlURLPARAMETER=""

A.2.2 rwrun

rwrun (Reports Runtime) runs a report by starting its own in-process server (not to be confused with the default in-process Reports Server), which runs in the same JVM as therwrun process.
The configuration file for this in-process server is rwbuilder.conf and trace files are saved in the rep_machinename-rwbuilder directory.
It is recommended that you use rwrun for testing purposes only. Use rwservlet and rwclient in your production environment to take full advantage of the power of Oracle Reports Services.
Refer to Table A-1 for the keywords that can be used with rwrun.
Example 1:  Customizing a report
rwrun userid=scott/tiger@mydb report=emp.rdf CUSTOMIZE=empcustomize.xml destype=file desformat=pdf desname=emp.pdf
Example 2: Sending report output to a file
rwrun report=test.rdf userid=scott/tiger@mydb desformat=pdf DESTYPE=file DESNAME=c:\mydir\test.pdf
Example 3:  Sending report output to a printer
rwrun report=test.rdf userid=scott/tiger@mydb DESTYPE=printer DESNAME=myprinter
Example 4:  Sending report output through e-mail
rwrun report=test.rdf userid=scott/tiger@mydb desformat=pdf DESTYPE=mailDESNAME="," cc="" bcc="" replyto="" from=""
Example 5:  Sending report output to WebDAV (any WebDAV server or Oracle Portal WebDAV)
rwrun report=test.rdf userid=scott/tiger@mydb desformat=htmlcss DESTYPE=webdav"DESNAME"=""
Example 6:  Sending report output to Oracle Portal
rwrun report=test.rdf userid=scott/tiger@mydb DESTYPE=oracleportal desformat=PDF PAGEGROUP=mypagegrp OUTPUTPAGE=reports_outputITEMTITLE=pushtoportal STATUSPAGE=result
Example 7:  Sending XML PDS report output to a file
rwrun report=myxmlpdstest.rdf destype=file desformat=PDF desname=c:\mydir\my.pdf
Example 8:  Sending JDBC PDS report output to a file
rwrun report=myjdbcpdstest.rdf destype=file desformat=PDF desname=c:\mydir\myxml.pdf P_JDBCPDS=sybuser/
Example 9:  Distributing report output to multiple destinations
rwrun report=test.rdf userid=scott/tiger@mydb DISTRIBUTE=yes DESTINATION=c:\mydistribute.xml
Example 10:  Using a secured Reports Server
rwrun report=test.rdf userid=scott/tiger@mydb desformat=pdf destype=file desname=test.pdf AUTHID=myadmin/myadmin
Example 11:  Running a report with e-mail notification
rwrun report=test.rdf userid=scott/tiger@mydb destype=file desformat=pdf desname=test.pdf NOTIFYSUCCESS=""NOTIFYFAILURE=""

A.2.3 rwbuilder

rwbuilder invokes Oracle Reports Builder. When you include a REPORT|MODULE keyword on the command line with rwbuilder, Oracle Reports Builder opens with the specified report highlighted in the Object Navigator. When no report is specified, Oracle Reports Builder opens with a Welcome dialog offering you the choice of opening an existing report or creating a new one.
Refer to Table A-1 for the keywords that can be used with rwbuilder.
rwbuilder report=myrep.rdf userid=scott/tiger@mydb

A.2.4 rwconverter

rwconverter (Reports Converter) enables you to convert one or more report definitions or PL/SQL libraries from one storage format to another. For example, you can userwconverter to:
  • Combine a report file with an XML file to create a new report
  • Convert a report stored in an .rdf file to a .rep,.rex,.jsp, or .tdf (template) file.
    When a report is converted to a template, only objects in the report's header and trailer sections and margin area are used in the template. Objects in the main section are ignored.
  • Convert a report stored in a .rex file to an .rdf or a template (.tdf file)
  • Convert a library stored in the database to a .pld or .pll file
  • Convert a library stored in a .pld file into a database library or a .pll file
  • Convert a library stored in a .pll file into a database library of a .pld file
    When you convert a report that has an attached library, convert the .pll files attached to the report before converting the .rdf/.rex file.
  • Create a PL/SQL script that batch registers reports in Oracle Portal
In some cases, rwconverter automatically compiles the report's PL/SQL as part of the conversion process. Provided your conversion destination is not a .rex file, rwconverterautomatically compiles PL/SQL under the following conditions:
  • Converting to a .rep file. If there are compile errors, rwconverter displays an error message and the .rep file is not created.
  • Using a .rex file as the source. If there are compile errors, rwconverter displays a warning, but the conversion continues.
  • Using a report created on another platform than the source. If there are compile errors, rwconverter displays a warning, but the conversion continues.
In all other situations, you must compile the report's PL/SQL yourself (for example, using Program > Compile > All in Oracle Reports Builder).
Fonts are mapped when a report is opened by Oracle Reports Builder or Reports Runtime, not during the conversion.
Refer to Table A-1 for the keywords that can be used with rwconverter.
rwconverter scott/tiger@mydb stype=rdffile source=inven1.rdf dtype=xmlfile dest=inven1_new.xml

A.2.5 rwservlet

rwservlet (Oracle Reports Servlet) translates and delivers information between either a Web server or a Java EE Container (for example, Oracle WebLogic Server) and the Reports Server, allowing you to run a report dynamically from your Web browser. Optionally, it can use the in-process Reports Server, which reduces the maintenance and administration of the Reports Server by providing a means for starting the server automatically, whenever it receives the first request from the client.
The keywords used with rwservlet are also known as Web commands. Oracle Reports 11g Release 1 (11.1.1) introduces security access levels for rwservlet Web commands, based on two categories:
The security access levels are specified using Oracle Enterprise Manager, as described in Section 6.8.4, "Defining Security Policies for Web Commands":
When you use rwservlet to run a JSP, you can use all keywords applicable to rwservlet. For more information on running a JSP with rwservlet, see Section 17, "Running Report Requests".
The following keywords are commands rather than keyword=value pairs; that is, these keywords are entered by themselves without a corresponding value: SHOWENV,SHOWJOBSSHOWMAPSHOWMYJOBSKILLJOBIDKILLENGINEPARSEQUERYDELAUTHGETJOBID, and GETSERVERINFO.
Refer to Table A-1 for the keywords that can be used with rwservlet.
In the following examples, is your Oracle Application Server instance, and 7779 is the port where rwservlet is running.
Example 1:  Running a paper report to a browser (cache) server=myrepserv+report=test.rdf+userid=scott/tiger@mydb+desformat=pdf+DESTYPE=cache
Example 2:  Sending report output to a file server=myrepserv+report=test.rdf+userid=scott/tiger@mydb+desformat=pdf+DESTYPE=file+DESNAME=c:\mydir\test
Example 3:  Sending report output to a printer server=myrepserv+report=test.rdf+userid=scott/tiger@mydb+DESTYPE=printer+DESNAME=myprinter
Example 4:  Sending report output to e-mail server=myrepserv+report=test.rdf+userid=scott/tiger@mydb+desformat=pdf+DESTYPE=mail+DESNAME=","+CC=""+BCC=""+REPLYTO="""
Example 5:  Sending report output to WebDAV (any WebDAV server or Oracle Portal WebDAV) server=myrepserv+report=test.rdf+userid=scott/tiger@mydb+desformat=htmlcss+DESTYPE=webdav+DESNAME=""
Example 6:  Sending report output to Oracle Portal server=myrepserv+report=test.rdf+userid=scott/tiger@mydb+destype=oracleportal+desformat=PDF+PAGEGROUP=mypagegrp+OUTPUTPAGE=reports_output+ITEMTITLE=pushtoportal+STATUSPAGE=result
Example 7:  Sending XML PDS report output to a file server=myrepserv+report=myxmlpdstest.rdf+destype=file+desformat=PDF+DESNAME=c:\mydir\my.pdf
Example 8:  Sending JDBC PDS report output to a file server=myrepserv+report=myjdbcpdstest.rdf+destype=file+desformat=PDF+desname=c:\mydir\myxml.pdf+P_JDBCPDS=sybuser/
Example 9:  Distributing report output to multiple destinations server=myrepserv+report=test.rdf+userid=scott/tiger@mydb+DISTRIBUTE=yes+DESTINATION=c:\mydistribute.xml
Example 10:  Running scheduled reports server=myrepserver+report=test.rdf+SCHEDULE="every first fri of month from 15:53 Oct 23, 2007 retry 3 after 1 hour"+destype=file+desformat=pdf+desname=test.pdf
Example 11:  Using a secured Reports Server server=myrepserv+report=test.rdf+userid=scott/tiger@mydb+desformat=pdf+destype=file+desname=test.pdf+AUTHID=myadmin/myadmin
Example 12:  Using a key map file (for more information, see Section 17.13, "Using a Key Map File")
key1 is a key defined in the cgicmd.dat file (the keyname should be the first parameter)
or server=myrepserv+userparam=12+CMDKEY=keyname
Example 13:  Running a report with a Parameter Form server=myrepserver+report=test.rdf+userid=scott/tiger@mydb+destype=cache+desformat=htmlcss+PARAMFORM=html
Example 14:  Running a report with e-mail notification server=myrepserver+report=test.rdf+userid=scott/tiger@mydb+destype=file+desformat=pdf+desname=test.pdf+NOTIFYSUCCESS=""+NOTIFYFAILURE="admin@comp"
Example 15:  Running a report that specifies a URL to be fetched with the URL engine server=myrepserver+report=test.rdf+userid=scott/tiger@mydb+destype=file+desformat=pdf+desname=test.pdf+JOBTYPE=rwurl+URLPARAMETER=""
Example 16:  Showing the environment information for server myrepserver server=myrepserver+authid=myrepuser/myreppassword
Example 17:  Viewing the past jobs information for server myrepserver
Example 18:  Viewing the cgicmd.dat key mappings (for more information, see Section 17.13, "Using a Key Map File")
Example 19:  Viewing current jobs information for user myrepuser server=myrepserver+authid=myrepuser/myreppassword+queuetype=current
Example 20:  Getting the status of a job with job ID 30 server=myrepserver+authid=myrepuser/myreppassword
Example 21:  Cancelling a currently running job with job ID 122 server=myrepserver+authid=myrepuser/myreppassword
Example 22:  Viewing the parsed query of a command server=myrepserver+authid=myrepuser/myreppassword+report=test.rdf+userid=scott/tiger@db+destype=cache+desformat=htmlcss
Example 23:  Showing DB authentication page server=myrepserver+authid=myrepuser/myreppassword+authtype=D
Example 24:  Deleting cookies set by rwservlet server=myrepserver+authid=myrepuser/myreppassword
Example 25:  Getting the output of job with job ID 87 from server myrepserver server=myrepserver+authid=myrepuser/myreppassword
Example 26:  Displaying server information for server myrepserver server=myrepserver+authid=myrepuser/myreppassword
Example 27:  Killing engine rwEng-1 in server myrepserver type=rwEng+server=myrepserver+authid=myrepuser/myreppassword

A.2.6 rwserver

rwserver (Reports Server) processes client requests, which includes ushering them through its various services, such as authentication and authorization checking, scheduling, caching, and distribution (including distribution to pluggable output destinations). Reports Server also spawns runtime engines for generating requested reports, fetches completed reports from the reports cache, and notifies the client that the job is ready.
Refer to Table A-1 for the keywords that can be used with rwserver.
To manage Reports Server using Oracle Enterprise Manager, refer to Chapter 6, "Administering Oracle Reports Services Using Oracle Enterprise Manager".
For manual configuration, see Section 7.2, "Reports Server Configuration File".

A.2.7 rwbridge

rwbridge (Oracle Reports Bridge) is used when Reports Server and Oracle Reports Client are in different Farms. Oracle Reports Client uses the default broadcast mechanism for server discovery, which sends packets that can travel only within a Farm. The Oracle Reports Bridge can bridge two Farms in a network. It intercepts the packets broadcast by Reports Server and Oracle Reports Client and transfers them to the remote bridges configured in the Oracle Reports Bridge configuration file.
There are no command line keywords for rwbridge.
To configure the Oracle Reports Bridge, refer to Section 6.5, "Configuring Oracle Reports Components".
To start and stop the Oracle Reports Bridge, see Chapter 5, "Starting and Stopping Oracle Reports Services".

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